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mind-blowing, psychedelic, ever changing patterns on your device


Patterns and effects flying around your screen, that can easily be created, edited and synchronized to music. Entranz also has a serious side and includes a full-featured particle effects editor.


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Whistle Stop

wake me up when I get to my home station


Ever miss your stop because it's been a long day and you're half asleep? Or you have to keep looking out the window of the train because you're nearing your stop  If these or any similar situation ever happen to you then maybe Whistle Stop is the app you need


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Mind technology, company,iphone, ipad,mac, net checkm entranz, vape calculator, whistle stop, debug panel

Debug panel


OWL - for Mac

overwrite mode for your mac keyboard


Mac OSX is pretty great, but there are occasionally one or two features that we would like that don't exist anymore. OWL is one of them.


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debugPanel - for iOS

If you’re a app developer and you need something a little more flexible than the console in Xcode, or if you need to do some in-field debugging of your app, then debugPanel may be just the app for you.


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Net Check - for Mac

runs in the background, checking

that your Internet connection is sound


We had an WiFi router that occasionally stopped talking to the Internet was especially when all that would happen would be a web page waiting forever to load.


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The Vape Calculator
The ultimate calculator for vaping mixes


We looked around for others and wasn’t impressed, so we made our own.


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